tiwana honey,
one kg of pure multiflora honey

Get the freshest seasonal honey at tiwanahoney.com, It’s 100% pure honey that can be used for home remedies or many health benefits. stay healthy!

Rs: 699/- only

multiflora honey

collection of honey extracted from multiple different types of flowers by bees is called multiflora honey

this type of honey is mostly collection of forests where we can find different types of flowers at one place

naturally blended by bees

half kg
of pure multiflora honey

Rs: 399/- only

Get the freshest seasonal honey at tiwanahoney.com, It’s 100% pure honey that can be used for home remedies or many health benefits. stay healthy!

you can visit us here :

tiwana bee farm G.T. Road Doraha , pin code - 141421 [ Ludhiana ] Punjab . ( directions on google map )

Ayurvedic properties

Coughing is a common problem for children with upper respiratory infections. These infections can affect sleep and quality of life for both children and parents. However, mainstream medications for cough are not always effective and can have side effects. Interestingly, honey can be a better choice

A cough remedy

Honey and cinnamon are the most common ingredients found in every Indian household. Both of them have multiple proven health benefits. But as per ancient Ayurvedic practice, the combination of the two can be even more beneficial. Right from treating an upset stomach, cold, or cough, improving the body's immunity, and treating bladder infections

Honey and cinnamon

Research has shown that raw honey can kill unwanted bacteria and fungus. It naturally contains hydrogen peroxide, an antiseptic. Its effectiveness as an antibacterial or anti-fungal varies depending on the honey, but it's more than a folk remedy for these kinds of infections.

Antibacterial and anti-fungal properties

twice sweet

honey is twice sweet as regular sugar. use half the quantity.

honey and lemon

Undeniably the combination of consuming honey with warm water and a few drops of fresh lemon juice can offer a range of health benefits and not just weight loss. It helps to improve your digestion, kickstart your metabolism, and most importantly, enable your body to burn fat efficiently.

honey bread

Bread toasts dipped in raw honey are one of the easiest breakfast options. One of the best pairings for bread is honey. They work well together, as honey can provide excellent flavour, functionality and moisture to this product. Bakeries across the world experience this firsthand with their unique varieties

honey and milk

Honey and milk is a classic combination often featured in drinks and desserts alike. In addition to being incredibly calming and comforting, milk and honey can bring a rich flavour to your favourite recipes.

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