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Contact Us
- Phone: +91 9814-032-440
- Email: [email protected]
whatsapp us
- Phone: +91 852-2000-048
- Phone: +91 856-8822-432
visit us
tiwana bee farm G,T, Road Doraha
Pin code 141421 ( Ludhiana ) Punjab , India
Our hours
- Mon - Sat: 9AM-5PM
manufacturing since 1983

we have been India's most known manufacturer working since 1983 in the beekeeping industry. we manufacture all types of beekeeping equipment, honey processing plants, different types of comb foundation machines, honey filling machines, honey extractors, bee boxes and other beekeeping industry-related machines, we also sell honey and bee colonies as per demand. we can manufacture beekeeping industrial machines on demand. Tell us what you need, we will prepare it just as you want.
tiwana bee farm